whoa moment: suddenly wishing i was a trekkie, what? what?

11 05 2009

Star TrekLast semester I took a class called “The Social Ethics of Earthlings and Others” on a whim because I like most science fictiony/fantasy-ish things. Though I was not prepared for the extent to which my science fiction awareness would blossom, I was slightly surprised at how well my body reacted to the five or so episodes of star trek that we watched to analyze their political-philosophical standpoints. Though, undoubtedly, much of the acting/sets/special effects were hokier than the hoky poky, I could see how some people could get so into it as to call themselves “trekkies.” However, as always having been a Star Wars girl myself, I did not wander down that newfound sci-fi road. Yet, when Star Trek came out this weekend I decided it was necessary that I see it, because, well, it’s a phenomenon and, with J. J. Abrams behind the wheel (Alias, Lost, the production company, Bad Robot) it couldn’t be half bad. Here is what I discovered:

1) Damn, trekkies can clap at EVERYTHING.

2) THAT WAS A REALLY GOOD MOVIE. With action every minute, a great plot, alarmingly good acting (for roles so worn in and cheesed out, its really impressive how these actors brought such a new feel and quality to the roles), an awesome mix of old and new, great special effects, and a great score, this blows the newest additions to Star Wars WAY out of the water.

3) There are some crazy-hilarious actors (and I’m not talking about Leonard Nimoy, original Spock): Winona Ryder as Spock’s mommy, Eomer from LOTR as Dr. McCoy (I KNEW I recognized him), Eric Bana as the evil villian.

4) Chris Pine is hot. On his motorcycle on earth, in his jet suit, bundled in a parka, or even in the gear of the captain of the USS Enterprise…HOT. Did I mention the motorcycle thing?

5) I’m still not sure if the Spock-Zoe Saldana thing works though as original Vulcans only get, um shall we say, sexual urges every seven years. And its Spock…and Zoe Saldana

6) The writers of this movie are brilliant! Creating an alternate universe in the plot which makes any changes in future movies (and whatever spins off of it) totally feasible and acceptable…BRILLIANT TACTIC.

7) You don’t have to know anything about the original series to appreciate the awesomeness of this action movie which has already surpassed the” Dark Knight” in opening revenue, making a new record. Likewise, you can know everything.

8 ) Seriously, is hard to feel dorky about going to see this Star Trek. God, I’m going to see it again!

9) If more Star Treks are released like this, I predict we will all become trekkies by the year 2025.

10) LIVE LONG AND PROSPER.d5_1280d4_1280

(oh yeah, I did just say #10)