day one: surprising feeling of…relief?

13 04 2009


Last night, in a fit of insomniacal (rearrange that to be insoMANIACAL) I decided I wanted to try life without facebook for a while. So I deactivated. And despite a number of worried texts I’ve gotten, my fall from social networking glory has been perfectly fine. Indeed, so far, I feel a bit of relief.
I don’t know why, its not like I ever considered facebook a burden or something, but I guess I don’t feel the weight of 521 web-eyes bearing down on my every cyber move. was it self-inflicted weight? yes. but now its self-inflicted lightness. I’m sure the moment some “breaking news” airs over stati update, I’m going to be regretting this decision. Indeed, I’m sure I’ll be back. But right now, it feels essential to my college transformation that I not keep everyone in the know about my every move. People I actually probably need/want to keep in contact with will find me here, call me on the phone, e-mail me, whatever.
We’ll see how this self-implicated fb abstinence goes, I’ll try to update on being out-of-the-loop in my over-informed iGen. Here goes…