cool discoveries of past days

17 04 2009

The sensational Balthrop, Alabama:

Just discovered this awesome Decemberists-esque band off of Rainn Wilson’s twitter. Go to their website and check out the video “explode.” Really, their music is quite awesomely indie-ish and, well, perfect. The innocent, naive voices of the full on 11-member band is as refreshing as a road trip through a small town in the summertime. As they describe themselves: “A whole town full of people hollerin’ about dead people they used to love.” For fans of the Decemberists/Camera Obscura/Rilo Kiley/Shins…Balthrop, Alabama is the perfect addition…and good news: four albums to choose from.

Free Stuff on

Seriously. Under the “for sale” section check out “FREE.” There, updates on promotional giveaways and just weird stuff people don’t want to sell is in abundance. Piano? Futon? Lava Rock? I couldn’t make this up.

Season Two online premiere of “Flight of the Conchords” at

I can’t decide if I like season two or not yet. Something seems, different. However, its exciting to get to get a glimpse of what the dvds will eventually offer not to mention a hilarious “fem-o-dent” t.v. jingle.

Ryan, aka Benjamin Mackenzie on SouthLAnd:

Are they for serious? Somehow, our dear old bad-boy-turned-hero Benny Boo from the O.C. (love!) has been cast in a show about cops as the EXACT SAME CHARACTER but quasi-reversed. He still has all the angsty somewhat violent traits of Ryan Atwood but his unknown past leads us to believe he comes from the good side of the tracks this time. Don’t expect Ben to say much in the pilot but you already guessed that from his Newport days.

WaLa! Your daily dose of random!