me! me! me!

dscf4722_22I suppose you are reading this because you want to know more about the strange person that writes this blog. Well, strange you will get, I am a freshman journalism and history major trying to figure out this whole thing we call life. travel, movies, and midnight conversations with my friends inspire me…and finding strangely situation-fitting quotes too. Let’s see, weird facts: I’ve been to Mozambique, ridden the tallest fastest roller coaster in America, watched ‘Across the Universe’ over 22 times, and enjoy the smell of gasoline. Currently, I wish to combine my love of journalism and history and travel in a job writing for, perhaps, National Geographic or some such…we’ll see how that goes. Right now, I’m trying to learn to get past my  compulsive need to organize and pre-plan everything and to get over that nasty little bit called regret. A tall order, but I’m working on it.

One response

28 03 2009

I love your site. Keep it up !

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