the coolest internet site? application? genuinely cool thingie?

20 04 2009

My current obsession is a site/application for firefox called When you go to the site you sign up with your e-mail and download an application for your firefox browser. From there you check off interests. With that information in mind, on the application you click “stumble” and it takes you to random, yet pertaining websites. I have found SO MANY cool things from this app and I have only had it for two days: from gorgeous art and stunning pictures to a “caffeine map” of all the starbucks in America, stumbleupon has shown me some new ways to entertain myself. I think sometimes I get into my internet rut and only go to my favorite/necessary websites: e-mail, blog, fb, picnik…you get the picture. This application re-introduces us to how expansive and awesome the internet can be, if we only exert our web capabilities beyond the boredom of repetition. Here are some awesome web pages I’ve found stumbling around:

Earth Album: combines googleEarth and Flickr to show the most captivating and everyday photos from around the world…in America: each state, city, county is documented…in the world: everything from bike riding in Budapest to building a yurt in Mongolia is pictured.

Etsy-Shop By Color: Are you obsessed with a certain color? Trying to coordinate? Choose a color and will give a list of things falling into that category…I’m not just talking primary either, every shade and tone!

Yardsale Treasure Map: this brings me back to my childhood that brought me my greatest dress up clothes and items I still use today. Instead of the classifieds…check the internet for great finds at great prices…close to home.

Foodgawker: Most “favorited” recipes of all time look delicious but maybe that’s just because I’m without oven to bake it all with…And you can make your own favorites list once you try them out!

OneWord: For all you creative writers out there, this site gives you one word and 60 seconds to write about it and then it is published. Its so cool to see all the different perspectives and may just give you a spring board for more writing!



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